Eastwood Richmonde Hotel offers convenient choices for a satisfying dining experience. Choose from the buffet and a la carte offerings of its all-day restaurant, Eastwood Café+Bar, its in-room dining selections, or its takeaway and delivery service.

Eastwood Cafe+Bar
Experience easy dining in Eastwood Cafe+Bar where you can order all-time favorite local dishes as well as international fare from morning until night. Get your coffee fix and breakfast to start your day or even set up a casual meeting with business associates at lunch or dinner. It’s also a good place for an after-work hangout or simply to get a nightcap.
Seating Capacity: 120 persons
Operating Hours:
Breakfast Service:
6:00 am to 10:00 am, Daily
A la Carte Service:
10:00 am to 10:00 pm, Daily
Lunch Buffet:
11:30 am to 2:30 pm, Sundays

Eastwood Café+Bar serves you hearty buffets to help you start your day and celebrate the weekend.
Breakfast Buffet
Daily, 6am to 10am | PhP 950 nett
Sunday Family Lunch Buffet
Sundays, 11:30am to 2:30pm | PhP 1,499 nett

Need a quaint, quiet spot for a quick break from work, shopping, or your daily chores? Then drop by Eastwood
Richmonde’s Lobby Lounge for some delectable eats and refreshing drinks.
Serving: Sandwiches | Pizzas | Pastas | Cakes | Pies | Pastries | Coffee | Wine | Cocktails
Operating Hours:
Daily, 10am to 7pm

Room Service
Make your stay more enjoyable with a variety of delectable dishes you can relish right in the comfort of your hotel room.
Available from 6 am to 9 pm (last order at 9 pm).
Call Richmonde Express at ext. 0 to order.